East Mids Crypto operates as a not-for-profit group. The team don’t receive any money for the time they commit to help run the group. We do it simply because we have a passion for bitcoin and cryptocurrency.
Running the group obviously has some costs involved such as costs for the web domain hosting and promotional merchandise which we give away (EG; mugs, car stickers). We’d love to do more but are limited as we don’t have the funding. If you find the community useful and would like to give back, any small donations are greatly appreciated. All donations we receive will be used to continue running the website and building the local crypto community.
You can now donate bitcoin via the lightning network to emc@coincorner.io or by scanning the QR below with your lightning wallet.

Even if you can only afford a few sats it all helps.
If you don’t use lightning, all our other donation addresses can be found at the bottom of the page.
Thank you for your continued support.